Our Executive Director, Aitolgon Boronbaeva and our organization made history at the 8th European Migration Forum organized by the European Economic and Social Committee.
With 120 civil society organizations and European institutions, we gathered at the EESC headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, discussing “Migrants in Europe today: specific needs, skills, and communication for stronger inclusion.”
Honored by the European Economic and Social Committee, we were thanked for representing Kyrgyz migrants – a first for the Kyrgyz migrants. President Oliver Ropke acknowledged Kyrgyz migrant communities in his opening speech.
A true honor for us to advocate for Kyrgyz migrant women at the European level.
During the “Floor is Yours” section, we proposed “women migrants and gender equality.” With overwhelming support, it became a chosen discussion topic. Aitolgon Boronbaeva moderated this impactful dialogue with 18 participants.
Our commitment to shaping the migration discourse continues!