Who we Are?

We are The Danaker Organization, dedicated to facilitating the integration and providing support for women from Kyrgyzstan in Poland.


Who We Are

Aitolgon Boronbaeva

- Executive Director Of “Danaker”
- Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science
- Public Representative of Women from Kyrgyzstan in Poland under the council of Migration under kyrgyz parliament

Email: aitolgon@danakerdiaspora.eu

Begimai Taalaibekova

- Deputy Director of "Danaker"
-Management / Business Administration
-JLL Company
- I'm the ultimate researcher in the world of random fun facts, ready to share my tastes and smiles with others!

Akmoor Mazhitova

- Finance Coordinator of "Danaker"
- Management
- Financial Engineering
- JP. Morgan
- Finance coordinator
- I do investment and want to popularise it in Kyrgyzstan

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Karima Bakhtiyar Kyzy

- Head of Marketing and Communication Department of "Danaker"
- producer of info products
- marketer
-I like to read books, travel and watch movies

Toraim Alimjan kyzy

- Event Coordinator of "Danaker"
- Master in Computer Engineering at Akademia Finansów I Biznesu Vistula
- I love walking and exploring my surroundings in detail.
- I really enjoy organising all kinds of events because it gives me energy.

Nuraiym Melisova

- Project Manager at "Danaker"
-International Business
-Research specialist
- I’d like to contribute to the development of our ladies by self-improvement and sharing my experience, knowledge with others.

Bermet Kadyrbekova

- Head of Cultural Affairs Department at "danaker"

aigerim Urmatbekova

- Ambassador of Danaker to Krakow
Bachelor in International Relations 2023
-Akademia WSB
- Cognizant
- Senior Process Executive | Win Consulting
- Founder | Admission Recruiter.

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